

发表时间:2024-10-10  热度:

英语六年级句子中译英 篇一

My Daily Routine


Every day, I have a set routine that helps me stay organized and make the most of my time. Here is a glimpse into my daily routine.

I usually wake up at 7 o'clock in the morning. After brushing my teeth and washing my face, I have a quick breakfast consisting of cereal and a glass of milk. Then, I get dressed and pack my school bag before leaving the house.

Once I arrive at school, I attend my first class, which is usually English. I enjoy learning English because it allows me to communicate with people from different countries. After English class, I have a short break where I chat with my friends and have a snack.

Next, I have math class. Math is challenging, but I try my best to understand the concepts and solve problems. After math, it's time for lunch. I usually bring a packed lunch from home, which is usually a sandwich, fruit, and some snacks. During lunchtime, I enjoy talking and playing with my friends.

In the afternoon, I have science class. I find science fascinating as it helps me understand the world around me. After science, I have physical education (PE) class. I love PE because it allows me to be active and play different sports with my classmates. It helps me stay fit and healthy.

Once school is over, I go home and take a short rest. Then, I start my homework. I always try to complete my assignments on time and ask for help if I don't understand something. After finishing my homework, I have some free time to relax, play games, or read a book.

In the evening, I have dinner with my family. We talk about our day and share stories. After dinner, I take a shower and get ready for bed. Before going to sleep, I like to read a storybook or listen to some calming music.

This is a typical day in my life as a sixth grader. I believe that having a routine helps me stay organized and makes my day more productive. I enjoy learning and spending time with my friends and family. I look forward to each new day and the experiences it brings.

英语六年级句子中译英 篇二

My Hobbies and Interests


As a sixth grader, I have developed various hobbies and interests that bring me joy and help me explore my talents. Here are some of my favorite hobbies.

One of my hobbies is drawing. I love expressing my creativity through art. I enjoy using different colors and techniques to bring my imagination to life on a piece of paper. Drawing allows me to relax and express myself in a unique way.

Another hobby of mine is playing the piano. I have been taking piano lessons for a few years now, and it has become a significant part of my life. Playing the piano helps me relax and unwind. I enjoy learning new songs and performing in front of my family and friends.

In addition to drawing and playing the piano, I also enjoy reading books. Books take me on exciting adventures and teach me valuable lessons. I love getting lost in the world of fiction and exploring different genres like mystery, fantasy, and adventure.

Furthermore, I have recently developed an interest in gardening. I find joy in planting seeds, taking care of plants, and watching them grow. Gardening also allows me to connect with nature and learn about the importance of taking care of our environment.

Lastly, I enjoy playing outdoor sports with my friends. Whether it's soccer, basketball, or badminton, I love the thrill of playing sports and the teamwork involved. Sports help me stay active and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Having hobbies and interests not only brings me joy but also helps me develop new skills and explore my passions. They allow me to take a break from schoolwork and engage in activities that I truly enjoy. I believe that having hobbies is essential for personal growth and well-being.

In conclusion, as a sixth grader, I have a variety of hobbies and interests that bring me happiness and allow me to explore my talents. From drawing and playing the piano to reading books and gardening, each activity brings its own unique joy and fulfillment to my life. I am grateful for the opportunities to pursue my hobbies and interests and look forward to discovering new ones in the future.

英语六年级句子中译英 篇三

英语六年级句子中译英 精选38句

1. Thegirlgoestoschoolonfooteveryday.

2. 蒸汽从哪里来?它来自河里的水。

3. 有时候我走路去上学。

4. Mike的阿姨在哪里工作?她在一家鞋厂工作。

5. ---这个周末你打算做什么?---我打算打扫一下房间。

6. ---请问,附近有电影院吗?---对,有的。医院旁边就是。

7. ---你打算几点去?


8. 在中国,司机靠右行驶。但在英国,司机靠左行驶。___________________________________________________________________

9. 你的爱好是什么?我喜欢集邮。

10. Myunclelivesinabigcity.用tenyearsago改写:

11. 你爸爸的爱好是什么?他喜欢骑单车。

12. ---长大了你想做什么?---我想当警察。

13. ---请问去动物园怎么走?---你可以坐12路公车去。

14. 爸爸打算给我买一台电脑。

15. 星期六我打算去书店买一些书。你呢?

16. 你怎样种花种子?

17. 然后你应该做什么?给它浇水。

18. 我需要一本关于植物的杂志。

19. 如果你骑自行车、或走路,你必须知道交通规则。

20. 在邮局那儿下车,然后往东走三分钟。它在右边。

21. ---图书馆在哪里?---先向前走,然后在邮局那儿向左拐。然后你就看见了。

22. 每个学生都必须记住交通规则。

23. 绿灯意思是'通行'。

24. 你姐姐怎样去上班?她乘公车去上班。

25. ---放学以后你打算去哪儿?---我打算去鞋店买双鞋。

26. 现在我来告诉你怎么来。

27. ---放学以后你打算去哪儿?---我打算去鞋店买双鞋。___________________________________________________________________

28. 你的叔叔是做什么的?他是一名记者。

29. 每个国家的交通灯都是一样的。

30. ---我可以步行去吗?---当然可以,如果你愿意的话。___________________________________________________________________

31. 我们怎样去公园?

32. 你妈妈教英语吗?不,她教数学。

33. 明天是我12岁的生日。

34. 我通常做地铁去上学,因为它速度快。

35. 三思而行。

36. ---这个周末你打算做什么?---我打算打扫一下房间。___________________________________________________________________

37. ---图书馆在哪里?---先向前走,然后在邮局那儿向左拐。然后你就看见了。___________________________________________________________________

38. 在中国,司机*右行驶。但在英国,司机*左行驶。



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